Saturday, December 10, 2005

Featuring Gay Versions of Kenneth Starr and James Dobson

This is post 27 of Section III. To begin at the beginning, go here. Section II begins here. Section III begins here.

It was raining. Robert got raincoats and an umbrella out of the closet, clattering unnecessarily, Jack thought. “If you don’t have faith in action, what do you have faith in?” Robert asked as they left. “If anything.”
“Could I take the fifth on that?”
“Not unless you want to spend our honeymoon being investigated by the gay version of Kenneth Starr.”
“Oh well, then. Pretty traditional stuff, really. God, family, love—agape AND eros, before you jump all over me.”
They were silent as they rode down in the elevator with a straight couple whom they often saw around. The woman smiled timidly, the man pretended not to see them.
Once they were alone again, Robert said slowly, “So, what you’re telling me is, you’re not my father but some sort of gay James Dobson?”
Jack slammed the door of Robert’s little white Maxima. “Christ, Robert. What are you, central casting? You want to know what faith means to me? It means I don’t have to play to the critics. Including you.”



Blogger Tom & Icy said...

I don't mean to be so bitter, but when I was a child I was told I was almost blind because of some inheritence and had an inlarged colon because I had polio as a baby. Come to find out my eyes were serverely damaged from slapping and I did not have polio, but the condition was caused by my mother's artistic intellectual boyfriend whom they were protecting because he had a hight powered job. I have grown up in the ranks and files of society and have know many homo and bi sexual persons. Two of them took a guy out and raped him and beat him to death. A woman I lived with confessed to me how she had murdered a man by stabbing him when she was hitch-hiking. Another woman shot and killed another girl in a bar. Another girl I lived with told me how she performed falatio on her infant son when she bathed him. A guy claimed to be so smart that he didn't have to read all those books he had but just placed them under his pillow and the knowledge just rose into his brain. I have never met a homosexual that I liked. But that's just me. I got upset because you write so good and make it sound so real, but I've heard those lines in real life and know there is more to these guys that they are hiding. Or maybe intellectuals are above perversion. Sorry. You write good, maybe too good.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry you've had those experiences, but really the gay people I have known have not been child molesters or abusers, and plenty of straight people have been.
You certainly have a right to be angry, and it's great that you have become such a kind and decent person after that abuse. But you do seem to know an awful lot of people I would probably never have anything to do with, and many of them are straight.
I'm not trying to obscure anything that I've seen; it's just that I've been fortunate in not knowingly encountering any perverts, apart from a few (apparently straight) flashers and grabbers.
Again, let me say how sorry I am about what happened to you. I'm touched that you revealed it here. You seem like a great person (and Icy and Dusty are good dogs, too).

7:50 PM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

Wow, sorry Tom. Here I was going to point out that "what do you have faith it?" should be "what do you have faith in?"

OK. I'm small.

8:34 AM  

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