Saturday, October 01, 2005

End of the Evening

This is post 13 of Section I. To begin at the beginning, go here.

“Well I guess we’ll all agree to disagree then,” said Gwen, with unnecessary primness, Bennett thought. He could tell she thought he’d had too much to drink.
“Sure,” Robert said, relaxing. “We do. All the time.” He reached out and held Jack’s hand for a moment. “Just like you and Dad.”
Bennett felt a squirming need to leave the room, but Gwen put her hand on his knee under the table and smiled at him. “Sounds like a partnership to me.”



Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Maybe he had a squirming need to pee. But we do tend to not want to face things that are repugnant to us, but then again it is very exciting to face our fears and objectionables. I mean there seems to be a lot of people who like to watch other people eat worms and watch gory movies. Well, if it was the idea of Robert and Jack being a couple like Ed and Gwen that disturbed Ed and not just the need to pee.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T&I: Yes, particularly that, but Ed is also just disturbed by overt displays of emotion in general.
Sorry this was so short, but this is a break in the manuscript and the end of the dinner.

My verifier word is "cflth." I know what LBOS would say!

4:49 AM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

You know, this story is reminding me of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

dflth? We should save that for Soapy.

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug: Judging by your reactions, I guess my having been raised on classic movies rather than TV is coming out.

It's "c flth," like "see filth."

10:25 AM  
Blogger Cooper said...

yes, guess who's coming out to dinner.

1:35 PM  

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