Monday, October 10, 2005

Scarecrow Man

This is post 2 of Section II. To begin at the beginning, go here. Section II begins here.

“But Daddy, wait. That’s not why I called.”
The tears were back. Bennett waited helplessly.
“Just one second. It’s in Chapter Fifteen. Here it is: ‘The mismatch perversely sought out by the emotional junky may take one of several forms, according to which emotion she is most dependent on . . .’ blah, blah, blah—Here it is. ‘Scarecrow Man seems virile, capable, and in control. But that façade masks feelings of inadequacy, defensiveness, and a deep-seated fear of women.’ Does that sound like—anyone you know, Daddy?”
“Ray Bolger–Wizard of Oz?”
“Daddy, I’m serious—” The tears were upon them. “Daddy, have I ruined my life? Do you think that sounds like Gregory?”
“Honey! Sweetheart! Chloe, honey. Please don’t cry. Forget about that stupid book. Those pop psychologists are just like a newspaper horoscope. Think rationally, would you? This goes against my denial-avoidant grain to admit, but couldn’t that description fit about all the men you know?”
Sniffling. Then, hesitantly, “I guess so.”
“Well then. Feel better?”



Blogger Tom & Icy said...

I've noticed situations like that when one person thinks something is such a world stopping catastrophe and the other person doesn't see it as anything serious to be concerned about.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

I'm guessing not really.

9:41 PM  

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