Tuesday, December 20, 2005


*This post has the f word in it.

This is post 36 of Section III. To begin at the beginning, go here. Section II begins here. Section III begins here.

In the car on the way home, Robert flexed his knuckles, feeling the unfamiliar ache. “I still can’t believe I did that. It just came over me, like an electric shock or something—God, I love this man!”
“You ha’ a funny way o’ showin’ it,” Jack said, trying to move his jaw as little as possible.
“Well, really, who would have thought my father would show up at one of our parties? It’s like a miracle or something—the mountain coming to Mohammed. It’s a sign.”
“Prolly your ’other made him,” Jack said.
“Yes, I admit Mother is an irresistible force, but until now, my father has been a steadfast immovable object.”
Jack smiled, then winced in pain.
“And even if I had been expecting him, there was no way I could have guessed he’d get a flat and end up sitting in the front seat with you; or that you would just happen to be reaching into the glove compartment for the flashlight right when I just happened to come barreling out full of misinformation—from your brother, I might add. What’s the matter with the car again?”
Jack made a dipping motion with his hand. “’Otholes. ’Ront end job. Axle,” he said, with difficulty. There was a pause, and then he said, “Where is ’Enn?”
Robert stopped a little abruptly at a red light. “Fuck me, I don’t know. He just stormed out. Frank was a little too much for him, I think.”
Jack punched the door. “’Astard,” he said.
“Frank or Glenn?”



Blogger Doug The Una said...

This is cute, but I have to admit my antennae went up at the explanation. A flat tire doesn't explain why two men would be in the front seat and I can't see why the glove compartment would be involved.

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug: They're sitting in the front seat because it's pouring rain and Jack's first thought was to get Bennett to shelter where they could talk. Bennett, of course, has no working flashlight in the Mercedes. Once he explains his car problem, Jack leans over to look in the glove compartment for the flashlight he and Robert keep there before going to look at the tire.
If this still seems improbable, let me know, and I'll change it.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Oh, that has great visual symbolism, don't you see Doug? A flashlight in a glove compartment? Especially highlighted with the f-word! I've had dreams like that. You know, like the 'wet' rain. And afterwards the flat tire. Oh, I'd better watch it! Mrs. Weirsdo will say I'm like her students over analyzing again. Maybe I should use another word besides 'anal'-yzing.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

OK, now I have the visual. I forgot the rain. Icy, you need to see TLP for a chew toy.

3:16 PM  

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