Monday, December 19, 2005

Robert Takes Action

This is post 35 of Section III. To begin at the beginning, go here. Section II begins here. Section III begins here.

It was pouring rain outside, but Robert hardly felt it. He ran around to the narrow street beside the club where he had parked. No one was there, but he caught a glimpse of movement inside the Maxima. His stomach lurched. It was Jack, bending over the fat guy’s lap. Without thinking, he ran to the driver’s side door and wrenched it open. Then he hauled Jack out by the collar and slugged him.
There was a confused rush of sensations. Sheba’s strong arms were around him, and her deep voice was murmuring, “Now, Robbie, let’s don’t have any unpleasantness. You got too much class for that, sugar.” He could feel pain in his knuckles, and he saw Jack crumpled over the hood of the car, holding his jaw, but incredibly, he also heard his father’s voice: “Robert? What the hell?”



Blogger Tom & Icy said...

This is what I was thinking, the green eyed monster doesn't read labels. Human nature is the same if gay or straight. So if Othello was gay and Desdemona was male, it would have ended as a tragedy just the same. And if Iago was straight, that would added another motivation and another dimension in the story, like going into the Indie Nebula!
Oh, and I'm glad to see a character like Sheba who has trouble with names like I do, I can identify with that. Will the quiz be multiple choice or essay? I'm having trouble picturing what Sheba would look like, I mean like a football player in drag with mustache. I was thinking of Richard Pryor dressed in a maid's dress with a mustache in the beginning of The Toy and Jackie Gleason didn't notice. Wouldn't they have made a nice couple to play Othello and Dedemona in a gay version of the play?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

I'm pretty curious about the explanation for being bent over the lap. Not that I think anything was happening, just curious how that came about. Trouble with the seatbelt?

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GEL: The check is in the mail. Really ; ]

T&I: Wouldn't have to be gay, could be historically correct.
I knew someone like Sheba only less tough. He was very tall but also fat, like a large teddy bear with a high voice--but Sheba only talks in falsetto sometimes.

Doug: Close.

My verifier: sxtdf. "Sex is too damn funny."
Anyone else care to have a go?

7:23 PM  

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